KONOS products and processes

are certified and sustainable.


Corporate Policy

Declaration of Principle in Respect of Corporate Policy“ (Link PDF)

1        Principle

2        Quality policy

3        Food safety policy

4        Occupational safety policy

5        Personnel policy

6        Environmental policy

7        Procurement policy

A 1   Declaration of principle in respect of the human rights policy

A 2   CSR declaration of principle “Corporate Social Responsibility”

CSR commitment declaration“ One Pager (Link PDF)

Process- and Product-Quality

  • Certified Quality management system according to ISO 9001

  • Certified management system for Product and Process conformity in relation to Food safety and Quality according to IFS-HPC


  • ECOVADIS- Sustainability Rating (Categories: Environment, Labor and Human rights, Ethics, Sustainable procurement): „ > BRONZE < “, TOP 35 % of more than 130.000 rated companies

         In the sector “Manufacture of other articles made of paper &amp; cardboard” the KONOS GmbH is
           - in the
Overall rating among the best 21%,

           - in the Environmental area among the best 23%,

           - in the Sustainable procurement area among the best 23% of the companies rated by EcoVadis.

  • Certified Environmental management system according to ISO 14001

  • „FSC®-CoC“-Certification (Logo license number FSC® C041179) for sustainable forestry in the supply chain

  • Environmental label „BLAUER ENGEL“ for unbleached coffee filters

  • Environmental label „Nordic Ecolabel SWAN“ for unbleached and bleached coffee filters

  • Environmental label „OK KOMPOST“
        - HOME & INDUSTRIAL for unbleached coffee filters
        - INDUSTRIAL for bleached coffee filters

  • Purchase of electrical energy from 100% renewable sources

  • Self-generation of electrical energy with a photovoltaic system, > 160 MWh/year

  • Long-term Energy efficiency measures program, 33 % more electrical energy efficiency since 2012

  • Member of the VEA initiative „Climate-Friendly SME‘s“

  • Monitoring of the Greenhouse gas footprint (Scope 1 and 2)

  • Target setting process for reducing greenhouse gases according to „Science-Based Target-Initiative“ (SBTi)

  • Charging points for e-cars and e-bikes on the company premises

  • Monitoring of the Waste balance, > 95 % of the residual materials and waste are recycled

  • Monitoring of the Water balance

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